Helping CEOs Overcome Growing Pains and Scale with Confidence

Syncity Workshops: Now Booking for 2024

Want to take control of your business and focus on leading, not doing?

  • Are you still involved in the day-to-day operations instead of focusing on growth?

  • Is your team aligned with your strategic goals, or are you constantly giving directions?

  • Do you struggle to trust your team with important tasks, fearing you’ll lose control?

  • Are you tired of micromanaging, but unsure how to let go?

Then you’re in the right place! Syncity’s 5D Agile Workshops are designed specifically for CEOs of growing businesses who are ready to step into leadership, overcome growing pains, and scale with confidence. You’ll learn how to empower your team, create trust, and structure your business for sustainable growth—all while using our proven framework.

How It Works: The Syncity Process

We know that overcoming growing pains requires more than just strategy—it needs structure. Our process is designed to guide you from feeling overwhelmed to leading with confidence.

  1. Step 1: Attend Our Workshop

    • Build the foundation for success.
      Our hands-on workshop helps you understand where your business is stuck and what structure it needs to thrive. You’ll learn the key components of our 5D Agile Framework—Discuss, Discover, Decide, Design, and Deliver—which provides the roadmap for success.

    Step 2: Implement the 5D Agile Framework

    • Align your team and empower them.
      Once you’ve completed the workshop, you’ll implement the 5D Framework in your business. This structured process ensures your team is aligned with your goals, creating clarity, trust, and accountability at every level.

    Step 3: Use Hashiru to Keep On Track

    • Track progress without micromanagement.
      After your structure is in place, you’ll use Hashiru, our custom software, to monitor progress and keep your team accountable—without the need for micromanagement. Hashiru helps you maintain clarity on your team’s work, giving you the freedom to focus on leadership and growth.

What You Get:

  • A Proven Framework: Our 5D Agile framework helps CEOs take control and lead effectively.

  • Hands-On Learning: Our workshops are practical, ensuring you leave with actionable strategies tailored to your business.

  • Ongoing Support: With Hashiru, you’ll have the tools to monitor progress and keep your team moving in the right direction, long after the workshop ends.

What is Hashiru?

Hashiru is not just another management tool—it’s the engine that powers your business’s growth, once you’ve built the foundation through our Syncity Workshop. Designed to support the 5D Agile framework you’ll learn, Hashiru ensures your team stays aligned, accountable, and on track—without the need for constant oversight.

  • Track Progress Without Micromanaging:
    Hashiru gives you clear visibility into what your team is working on, so you can stay informed without having to micromanage every task.

  • Align Your Team Around Strategic Goals:
    By connecting your business plan with daily execution, Hashiru ensures that your team remains focused on the tasks that truly matter to your company’s growth.

  • Empower Accountability:
    Hashiru makes it easy to assign tasks and hold team members accountable, creating a culture of ownership and responsibility across the organization.

  • Focus on Leadership, Not Logistics:
    With the structure and insights Hashiru provides, you can confidently step back from the details and focus on leading your business toward its strategic vision.

Why Can’t I Buy Hashiru Separately?

Hashiru is a powerful tool, but its effectiveness relies on a solid foundation. That’s why you can’t purchase it separately—it’s designed to complement the 5D Agile framework you’ll learn in our Syncity workshop. Without that structure in place, Hashiru would be just another piece of software.

Our goal is to ensure you have the right structure and mindset before implementing the tool, so your business can thrive and grow with confidence.

Take Your Free Business Control & Alignment Scorecard

Ready to find out if you’re experiencing the growing pains we specialise in solving?

Our Business Control & Alignment Scorecard is a quick, insightful assessment that helps you identify where your business might be struggling with delegation, alignment, and accountability. Answer a few targeted questions and see if Syncity is the right solution to help you break free from the daily grind and focus on leading.

The Scorecard will help you discover:

  • Are you still involved in day-to-day operations when you should be focused on leading?

  • Is your team aligned with your strategic goals, or are they working without clear direction?

  • Do you have the structure in place to hold your team accountable, or do you feel like you’re constantly checking in?

  • Can you delegate effectively, or are you stuck in the details?

What You’ll Get:

  • Instant Results: Get immediate feedback on where your business might need more structure and support.

  • Customised Insights: See how Syncity can specifically help you overcome the challenges you’re facing.

  • Next Steps: Clear advice on what to do next to get your business running smoothly, with trust and accountability built in.

Ready to Take Control?

Take the free scorecard now and see if Syncity’s proven framework is the right fit to help your business scale with confidence.

Take the First Step – Lead with Confidence

Your business is growing, but are you leading or just managing the daily grind? Take our free scorecard to find out where you’re stuck and how we can help you break through the growing pains.

  • Stop managing, start leading

  • Work on your business, not in it

Take action today. We’ll be in touch with your personalised results and the next steps to get you back to leading your business with clarity and confidence.

Don’t wait—become the leader your business needs.